Wednesday, March 31, 2010


That's how long it took me to run my 5k training tonight.  37 minutes.  Not as good as I'd like, but considering I haven't run 3.1 miles - that's how long 5k is - in months, I guess I should be satisfied.  Saturday, April 17 I'm joining my mom and hopefully lots of other folks for the first annual 5k to support the Lending a Hand Cancer Fund back in my hometown of Van Buren, MO.  I'm very excited to go back and give my support to this worthy organization that was formed to financially help people in Carter County who have cancer.  It's pretty new - since August of last year - so I'm also excited to go back and hear exactly how they're operating and what they're doing to help the families in Carter County.  Plus,  hopefully I'll get to visit with some Van Buren friends that I haven't seen in ages.  Tiffany, one of the founders of the fund and a cancer survivor, and I actually have known each other since kindergarten and graduated High School together so it'll be great to see her again.   And, of course, Van Buren being a small town, I worked for one of the other founders and the third founder - her twin sisters and I have also been friends since kindergarten so she was like an older sister to me (and she, too, is a cancer survivor)!

My mom, Katie (my sis), and I went shoe shopping this weekend for the ideal running shoe.  We each got a pair so we can take the best care of our bodies while running.  It's amazing the difference a good pair of shoes can make!  I ran in mine for the first time tonight and they felt great!

Hats off to the Asics Gel-Kayano 16!!  Check it and other great Asics shoes here.  

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome Spring

I'm so excited Spring is officially here!  I actually started planting a couple of weeks ago when we had a wonderfully warm Saturday - I couldn't help myself!  I spent $6 at Lowe's and got these beautiful purple pansies as well as some daffodils.  I'm so excited about the daffodils - this is my first time so I hope they make it to bloom!  They've grown quite a bit since this picture, for sure.

And here's a sneak of what's getting ready to bloom for the first time in my garden - a lenten rose!  I'm so excited!  A wonderful friend from work gave this one to me last summer, so this is my first!
This is now (or 2 weeks ago, actually):

This is what it should look like in bloom.  Isn't it lovely?

Welcome Spring!  We've been missing you!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Kobe: Our All Star

For those of you I left wondering on Friday, yes, we got a puppy!  Daniel's been going back and forth on wanting his own dog for a while now (Noah is technically mine), and March 13 he finally found his beloved Kobe.  After Kobe Bryant, of course.  For those of you who haven't visited his blog to know, he's a huge Lakers fan.  Of course, you probably gathered that from my family photo at right. :)

Anyhow, he's a boxer mix.  The mom's a full blood boxer, but the dad is unknown.  They saw a beagle running around so he may have some beagle in him.  He definitely walks like a boxer!

Noah is still not sure what to think about him.  The first night he had some major anxiety about it and wouldn't even come to Daniel or me if we smelled like Kobe.  He wouldn't even take a snack from me!  He just sniffed and walked away.  He's getting better.  As I'm typing he just walked up to him to sniff him out and he tried to play with him earlier.  Basically, Kobe sat and watched as Noah ran circles around him! We're hoping they'll be great friends soon!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Brian's Tourists Stops

Of course, we had to be sure Daniel's cousin, Bryan, visited the typical tourist stops while here.  :)
(Sorry the Branson collage is a little small to view on here.  Click on it and it'll enlarge for you.  Enjoy!)

We had so much fun while Bryan was here and hope he makes it back to visit again soon.
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of family and the precious time we've gotten to spend with our families recently!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Meet Kobe

I have so much to catch you up on.  Our trip to Branson with Daniel's family.  And the new member of our household!  But, for now, this sneak peak pic will have to do, so I can get outside and enjoy this beautiful day!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Last time Keila came to visit, it was a surprise to everyone but Mary (Daniel's aunt).  This time, Daniel, Steven, and I got to be the one's in on it.  So, on Sunday the 28th of February we surprised the family.

Can you see the disbelief in Daniel's grandma's face?  She literally stood there for at least 30 seconds!  And then came Mary and then came Jorge.  It was great!

And then, the following Thursday her brother, Brian, flew in and surprised everyone (but Daniel and I knew!).  It was great because Daniel's family thought they were going to pick up his dad at the airport, and then it was Brian!  Unfortunately, I don't have photos from that spectacular surprise because I was at work.  Just imagine! :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Mine.  From an early age we learn to use this word to proclaim what belongs to us, or at least what we think belongs to us.  How much of our life is really ours?  If we claim to be Christ-followers, none of it is; this is what we were reminded of at church this morning.  As Paul so perfectly said in Galations 2:20, we have been "crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."

This means when we give our lives to Christ, we surrender it all.  We lay it all down and choose to live by faith, not by our own fleshly desires.  The life I now live is no longer mine; it's His.  Totally His to do with what He desires.  I'm ready, Lord.  Live in and through me.  

To hear this morning's teaching from Ben yourself, just visit here and choose 2ndeleven.  (If the sermon "Mine" is not showing up, give it a day or so since it was just recorded this a.m.)

Coming soon:  See how Daniel's family reacted to our surprise at their door - his cousin, Keila, is back!  (see photos from her first visit here)  And this time for good!  Plus, I'll share some photos from Saturday when we took the fam to Branson Landing.  Check back soon!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last Weekend

**I have lots of catching up to do.  We've been without internet for most of the week, but I have more to share.  These photos are from last weekend.  What fun!  More to come later this weekend.  Enjoy your Saturday!  Hope it's as beautiful as ours!  Now off to the park with Noah...