Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fun Photos

Recently, our friends Anna and Ryan came over to take some family pictures for us.  Since it had been a while since I scooped the backyard, we landed in the front of our house.  Which also meant Mr. Noah, aka Monster, had to be on leash the entire time.  Poor little guy - every time they called his name to get him to look at the camera, he thought he was supposed to run to them.  So, alas, in each picture Daniel and I are doing our best to have a firm grip on the leash or even his jersey just to keep him from dragging me to the ground.  He looks small, but believe me, he's strong!  What fun we had!

Check out Anna's website at  and follow her on Twitter @amgallery.Thanks, Anna and Ryan!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics! I had no idea you had a blog! How fun and cute. We need to hit up Big Momma's soon!
