Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Delight Your Soul

Welcome to my soul delights. My hope and prayer is that as you follow along with me your soul, too, will find delight.

Delight in the hope that is Jesus Christ.
Delight in discovering true joy in each moment.
Delight in the smiles of the ones you love.
Delight in the learning moments each day brings.

As we journey, I look forward to hearing about what brings you delight.

Great are the works of the Lord; they are studied by all who delight in them.
Ps. 111:2 (italics mine)

1 comment:

  1. denise, what a blessing you are and always have been to me, we've had plenty of ashes of our own, haven't we................i'm ordering the book you suggested, it sounds great. i can always use a little (lot) of inspiration. i appreciate that you've started this blog.............we seem to live in a world where intimate conversation is rare and what better, more satisfying subject is there than our LORD and SAVIOR. I look forward to keeping up with wha's going on in your life on a more frequent basis, love ya tons, M
