Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Weekend at Home

I know, home is really here in Ozark now, but I'm pretty sure I'll always say, "I'm going home" when I head back to good ol' Van Buren.  Since Daniel had to referee soccer Friday night, Noah and I headed to Van Buren by ourselves.  Besides the fact that the ENTIRE drive back was in the rain, it was a perfect weekend.

Saturday morning:  Got up early for the city-wide yard sale in VB.  Got to see lots of people I hadn't seen in ages and it was even Jolly Cone's opening day for the season!  So, I got my strawberry, vanilla Mountain Dew at 9:30 in the morning. :)  (I don't normally prefer Mountain Dew, but these are awesome!)

Lunchtime:  Mom, Dad, me and some family friends went to a local restaurant for some great food.

Early afternoon:  Dad and I went for a great horse ride together!  I'm embarrassed to say it'd been years since I last rode a horse, so this was way past due.

Later afternoon:  Mom and I went for a run to prepare for our 5k coming up in 10 days.  We went to a nearby lake (loosely called a lake, but whatever) and it was a beautiful run!

Evening:  Drove through Taco Bell on our way to my grandma's (mom's mom) to see my younger cousin that was in from Oklahoma.  Quick visit but well worth it!

Later evening:  Got home about 9:30 and sat up watching videos of my nephew's first soccer game and his Michael Jackson performance for my mom and the video camera.  Lots of laughs!  Crawled into bed for some rest at about 11:30.

Sunday morning:  Got up to get ready for church.  We joined some of my Dad's side of the family for their special Easter service.  Through drama and music, they did a beautiful job of reminding us of the cross and the resurrection.  It was powerful, to say the least!

Afternoon:  Now to my grandma and grandpa's (dad's parents) house for dinner with the family.  We sat outside in the beautiful Spring weather, watched the kiddos play in the dirt, and just enjoyed each other's company.  It was lovely!

Early evening:  Got home to pack, get Noah ready, and head into VB on our way out.

Last stop:  Jolly Cone for supper!  I wanted to see my aunts that live in VB, so Mom and I met them and a family friend at the Jolly Cone for a quick bite before I hit the road again.

Whew!!  It was packed full of goodness and blessings!!  Thanks, Mom and Dad for a great time!

Don't worry, pictures to follow! :)

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