Wednesday, August 3, 2011

April Flashback

April seems like forever ago.  Thankfull, I made some notes in my draft post forever ago so I remember what all happened in April.  It was a full month!!

1.  Soccer
Kyler played soccer again this spring.  Fortunately for us, his games were in Ozark so I made it to all but one or two of them.  He and his team improved sooo much over the course of just a few weeks.

2. Visiting Friends
Our great friends, Shane and Brittany, plus their three kids came to visit in April as well.  We hadn't seen them in more than 2 years so it was soooo good to hug their necks and meet their two littlest kiddos.  (Their oldest was just 5 1/2 months old last time they visited.)

Me with our other good friend Christy, Brittany, and the Drury three.  So sweet!

3. Visiting Friends - from Nicaragua!
Daniel's dad came to visit in the spring and joining him was a sweet family from Nicaragua.  They are preparing to be missionaries and so came here to learn English and receive some triaining. We had so much fun with this family - and with Daniel's dad, of course! (somehow, there are no pics of him on here!)

4. Celebrating Birthdays
Birthdays were not lacking the month of December.  We remembered my beloved friend, Kaitlin's, birthday on the same day as my dad, celebrated my sister's just a few days later, my Aunt Brenda had one in there, and then Daniel and my grandma share a birthday!

While it kind of stinks that I'm just stuck in 'always behind' mode on this blog, it is kind of fun to stop and look back.

Hope you've enjoyed this edition of the Alvarez Flashback!!

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