Monday, March 22, 2010

Kobe: Our All Star

For those of you I left wondering on Friday, yes, we got a puppy!  Daniel's been going back and forth on wanting his own dog for a while now (Noah is technically mine), and March 13 he finally found his beloved Kobe.  After Kobe Bryant, of course.  For those of you who haven't visited his blog to know, he's a huge Lakers fan.  Of course, you probably gathered that from my family photo at right. :)

Anyhow, he's a boxer mix.  The mom's a full blood boxer, but the dad is unknown.  They saw a beagle running around so he may have some beagle in him.  He definitely walks like a boxer!

Noah is still not sure what to think about him.  The first night he had some major anxiety about it and wouldn't even come to Daniel or me if we smelled like Kobe.  He wouldn't even take a snack from me!  He just sniffed and walked away.  He's getting better.  As I'm typing he just walked up to him to sniff him out and he tried to play with him earlier.  Basically, Kobe sat and watched as Noah ran circles around him! We're hoping they'll be great friends soon!


  1. thanks for the update.......he is soooooooo cute......i love puppies....why do they have to grow up????? i guess that's why little dogs are for me.....your family is expanding.........hint hint.......just kidding, right??? catch ya later on the blog, M
