Sunday, March 7, 2010


Mine.  From an early age we learn to use this word to proclaim what belongs to us, or at least what we think belongs to us.  How much of our life is really ours?  If we claim to be Christ-followers, none of it is; this is what we were reminded of at church this morning.  As Paul so perfectly said in Galations 2:20, we have been "crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."

This means when we give our lives to Christ, we surrender it all.  We lay it all down and choose to live by faith, not by our own fleshly desires.  The life I now live is no longer mine; it's His.  Totally His to do with what He desires.  I'm ready, Lord.  Live in and through me.  

To hear this morning's teaching from Ben yourself, just visit here and choose 2ndeleven.  (If the sermon "Mine" is not showing up, give it a day or so since it was just recorded this a.m.)

Coming soon:  See how Daniel's family reacted to our surprise at their door - his cousin, Keila, is back!  (see photos from her first visit here)  And this time for good!  Plus, I'll share some photos from Saturday when we took the fam to Branson Landing.  Check back soon!

1 comment:

  1. hey 'nise............galations 2:20 was the first scripture that made perfect sense to me after kaitlin and kory's accident. i felt dead and this scripture was the first thing that made me feel that that was okay.........and even right................b/c i had been crucified with Christ and I could not and did not live any longer, the life i lived in the flesh, i lived thru faith in the Son of God who loved me and died for me............... the daily reminder that the life i lived in flesh was lived thru faith in the Son........kept me putting one foot in front of the you and am enjoying the blog. love, M
